Da Wye I Saa It by Robert Johnson

If you are looking for Christmas present suggestions then I’d thoroughly recommend a new book by Robert Johnson entitled ‘Da Wye I Saa It’.

Robert Johnson originally became interested in photography when, as a young boy, he found a Box Brownie lying in the house and, out of curiosity, started to experiment with it. The rest of his photographic career is captured in his extensive archive.

This potted social history contains quite a remarkable collection of photographs that chronicle many aspects of life in Shetland from the 1960s to the present day. The subject matter is wide and varied, covering some major news events, people and places, all captured throughout Robert's life as an enthusiastic, weel kent, amateur photographer. As he says himself, "I'll never stop, it's a hobby that's become a habit".

The book is available to buy at The Shetland Times Bookshop.  You can also purchase on their website at http://www.shetlandtimes.co.uk/shop/product.php?productid=172.

Robert will be signing copies of his new book on Saturday 18th December at The Shetland Times Bookshop from 12pm-2pm.



Digital Advent Calendar 2010 - Day 18


Digital Advent Calendar 2010 - Day 17